To be successful in Network Marketing, you need a proven, duplicable system. Our system— which is developed by Summit Success—is one of the industry’s most recognized and proven business-building systems. It was developed and is carried out by our top field leaders—people who have demonstrated time and again their ability to create massive success.
At Juuva, we know the recipe for a company that lasts, and we’re using it to transform lives every day. Juuva was built from the ground up to do things the right way—with integrity, passion and a brand partner-focused mindset.
Successful Management
Our two co-founders possess a wealth of industry experience and expertise and our entire executive team boasts more than 200 years of successful experience with the network marketing space. These individuals set the strategic direction for our company and they will do whatever it takes to provide the finest network marketing opportunity.
Proven Training System
Optimal Timing
We are beyond the risky startup phase where companies struggle to stay afloat. We are debt-free and profitable with ample funding for future expansion.
We are still young enough we haven’t entered momentum, the exponential growth that is so coveted in our industry.
The Juuva name and opportunity are not over-saturated in the market, meaning you’ll likely be the first to tell the Juuva story to your contacts.
We are young enough that we will open the markets our field leaders have contacts in. You will help determine who we become and where we will go.